To learn more about wills, please visit Alan H. Nelson's essay on the practice of will making in Shakespeare's England. To learn more about lawsuits, read his thematic essay on lawsuits in Shakespeare's England.

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September 11, 1611
On September 11, 1611, the Stratford Corporation drafted a list of seventy-two burgesses who could be approached to subscribe “towardes the Charge of prosecutyng the Bill in the parliament for the better Repayre of the highe Waies and amendinge divers defectes in the Statutes alredy made.&r
May 7, 1612
Shown here is a Compulsory Summons, dated May 7, 1612, following the last of four pleadings in Bellott v. Mountjoy.
Shown here is the Witness Book, from Trinity term 1612, for the third round of depositions given in Bellott v. Mountjoy.
Easter term 1612
Shown here is the Witness Book, from Easter term 1612, for the first round of depositions in Bellott v. Mountjoy.
Shown here is the Witness Book, from Trinity term 1612, for the second round of depositions given in Bellott v. Mountjoy.
May 15, 1612
Shown here is the first of three orders given by the Court of Requests, dated May 15, 1612, in Bellott v. Mountjoy.
June 15, 1612
Shown here is the second of three orders given by the Court of Requests, dated June 15, 1612, in Bellott v. Mountjoy.
June 30, 1612
Shown here is the third of three orders given by the Court of Requests in Bellott v. Mountjoy.
January 28, 1612
Shown here is Stephen Bellott’s Bill of Complaint dated January 28, 1612, the first of four pleadings in Bellott v. Mountjoy.
February 3, 1612
Shown here is Christopher Mountjoy’s Answer, dated February 2, 1612, the second of four pleadings in Bellott v. Mountjoy.
